(X) I'm with child. Can I get on now? (O) I have a child with me. Can I get on now? 說明:with child是表示「懷孕」的片語,孕婦搭機或許需要出示醫師開立的適航證明,各家航空公司規定亦不同,誤會若沒有澄清,恐怕上不了飛機。 例:I have children with me. Could you help me with these suitcases?(我帶著孩子,能否幫我拿這些行李?)
#請找找這件紅色行李。 (X) Please search this red luggage. (O) Please search for this red luggage. 說明:帶著大包小包準備登機,卻發現其中一件行李不見了,請航站人員代為「尋找」,要用search for這個片語,只用search意思會變成「搜查」,容易讓人以為行李裡裝了違禁品。 例:That's my suitcase! Thank you for helping me search for it.(那就是我的行李箱!謝謝您幫忙尋找。)
#我的護照被偷了。 (X) My passport was stolen. (O) Someone stole my passport. 說明:用be V+stolen表示「被偷」乍看之下沒有錯,但整句話也可能被解讀成「我的護照是偷來的」,用主動語態來表達才不會節外生枝。 例:Someone stole my passport. I must call the police.(我的護照被偷了,我必須報警。)